"Strip Dancer" is an upcoming web series by CINEPRIME Originals set to premiere on October 12, 2023. The series falls under the genres of Hindi drama, romance, and fantasy, with the lead character portrayed by Jolly Bhatia. For a comprehensive overview of the "Strip Dancer" web series, you can explore details about the cast, actress names, release dates, availability, and other pertinent information.
Strip Dancer (Cineprime) Web Series Story
As depicted in the promotional material, "Strip Dancer" commences with the female lead, portrayed by Jolly Bhatia, preparing to leave her location. However, an unexpected stranger arrives at her doorstep and rings the bell. The female lead inquires about his identity. In the subsequent scene, she strikes a seductive pose. To unravel the ensuing events, viewers are encouraged to watch all the episodes of the "Strip Dancer" web series, exclusively available on the CINEPRIME App.
Strip Dancer (Cineprime) Web Series Release Date
Strip Dancer (Cineprime) Web Series Cast
Strip Dancer (Cineprime) Web Series Wiki/Information
Name | Strip Dancer |
Genre | Drama, Romance, Fantasy |
OTT Platform | Cineprime App |
Language | Hindi |
Release date | 12 October 2023 |
Season | 1 |
Number of episodes | 2 |
Episode Runtime | 25 Minutes |