"Andhere Me Kand" is an upcoming Indian erotic web series scheduled for release on October 13, 2023, exclusively on the Atrangii app. The series revolves around the life of a wife who engages in physical relationships with different men every night due to her husband's night duty. For a closer look at the "Andhere Me Kand" web series, you can find detailed information about the cast and crew, actress names, release dates, availability, and other essential details.
Andhere Me Kand (Atrangii) Web Series Story
The storyline of the web series centers on a mischievous wife whose husband works the night shift. Seizing the opportunity, she engages in extramarital affairs with different men each night, ranging from thieves and lawyers to policemen.
While everything appears to be going smoothly, one day her sister-in-law discovers the truth and decides to reveal her sister-in-law's infidelity to her brother. What unfolds next? To uncover the developments, watch all the episodes of the "Andhere Me Kand" web series.
Andhere Me Kand (Atrangii) Web Series Release date
The Andhere Me Kand web series is scheduled for a two-part release. The initial segment is set to premiere on October 13, featuring a total of four episodes. While Atrangii has yet to provide specifics about the second part of the Andhere Me Kand web series, it is expected to be unveiled in the near future.
Andhere Me Kand (Atrangii) Web Series Wiki/Information
Name | Andhere Me Kand |
Genre | Drama, Romance, Fantasy |
OTT Platform | Atrangii |
Language | Hindi |
Release date | 13 October 2023 |
Season | 1 |
Number of episodes | 4 |
Episode Runtime | 30 Minutes |
Director |
Will update soon |