Naveen Patnaik launches ‘Saura Jalanidhi’ scheme for Odisha farmers

           Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on 30 October 2018 Tuesday launched a new scheme ‘Saura Jalanidhi’ with an aim to increase the use of solar energy in agriculture.

The Odisha government targets to provide 5000 solar pumps to farmers with up to 90 percent subsidy under the scheme. It will create an additional irrigation potential of 2500 acres and increase cropping intensity.

“In the first-phase, farmers from the unserved or under-served by electric supply areas will be provided with solar pump sets under the scheme. Later, it will be implemented in all districts,” Naveen Patnaik said.

While the programme has been designed by Odisha Renewable Energy Development Agency (OREDA), it will be implemented by the state agriculture department. The scheme will provide livelihood support to nearly 5000 families. 

Naveen Patnaik launches ‘Saura Jalanidhi’ scheme for Odisha farmers

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