393 New Cases of Covid-19 Reported in Odisha, Hospitals Mandate Mask Usage

 The health department of Odisha has reported 393 new cases of Covid-19 in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of active cases to 3,086, as per the latest update on Tuesday.

393 New Cases of Covid-19 Reported in Odisha, Hospitals Mandate Mask Usage

Out of 5,421 samples that were tested, 393 samples tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. These new cases were reported in 24 out of 30 districts of Odisha, with Sundergarh district reporting the highest number of cases at 125, followed by Sambalpur (71), Cuttack (65), Mayurbhanj (28), Khurda (27), and Bolangir (21).

In response to the increasing number of Covid-19 cases in the state, the health department has made wearing face masks mandatory in all healthcare facilities and closed-door gathering places. 

An official order from the Directorate of public health, Odisha, has been issued to make it mandatory for all healthcare providers, officials, and other individuals present in meetings, congregations, and hospital settings to wear masks during duty hours. 

The order also applies to individuals with influenza-like illness and those visiting areas with a high possibility of transmission.

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