Suji Halwa Cooking Recipe

Suji Halwa Cooking Recipe

Ingredients for Suji Halwa

  • Suji (Rawa) -250 gm
  • Chini ( Sugar) -200 gm
  • Ghee -50 gm
  • Gola Maricha (Black Pepper)- 1 tsp
  • Salt – as per taste
  • Kaju ( Cashew Nut) – 20 gm
  • Kismis (Raisin)-20 gm
  • Teja Patra ( Bay Leaf)- 2pc

    How to make Suji Halwa

    1. Rawa should first be roasted in a frying pan for 10 to 12 minutes, turning occasionally, or until it turns golden brown, and then it should be set aside.
    2. Grab a large pan. When the cashew nuts and raisins are lightly golden brown, add water (twice the Rawa amount) to the pan with a half-spoon of heated ghee.
    3. Salt and sugar can be added to taste. Cook it for a while.
    4. Put a little rawa in it when it begins to boil and mix it. For the remaining rawa, repeat the process.
    5. To prevent lumps from forming, properly stir it. For 2 minutes, leave it on the flame. Take it off the heat and serve it warm or cold.

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