Motivational odia quotes on life: Friends, today we have selected a few of the best Odia language quotations,
God has given us the beautiful gift of life. Life's happiness is tempered by
sadness, thus we should lead moral lives. Keep your outlook on life positive
at all times.
Today we have written 6 beautiful Motivational Quotes on the topic of
"keep in control" in Odia "ନିୟନ୍ତ୍ରଣରେ ରଖ". Do share your love with our
articles by sharing these Quotes with your friends and family.
Let's check out all those.
When you go to someone's house, control your eyes
जब किसी के घर जाए तो अपनी आँखों को काबू में रखें
When you eat, control your tongue and your stomach
जब खाना खायें तो अपनी जुबान , और पेट को काबू में रखें
When going to a gathering and with friends, keep your words under
जब महफ़िल या दोस्तो के साथ जाए तो अपने शब्दों को काबू में रखे ।
If everything is going well in your life, then keep your pride under
जब जीवन में सब सही चल रहा हो तो अपने घमंड को काबु में रखें
When you see the money earned by someone, keep your greed and jealousy
under control.
जब किसी के कमाए हुए धन को देखे तो अपने लालच और ईर्ष्या को काबू में रखें
Control your heart and mind when you pray.
जब प्रार्थना करें तो अपने दिल और दिमाग को काबू में रखें ।
When everything is going wrong in life, keep your negative thoughts under
जब जीबन में सब गड़बड़ चल रहा हो तो अपने नाकर्माताक ख़यालात को
काबु में रखें ।
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