Happy Diwali from Urfi Javed without a Dress!

 Due to her unique attire, social media users are debating actress and famous model Urfi Javed from the year 2022. When Javed leaves the house, he sometimes wears a dress made of a SIM card and other times a dress made of a watch. and delights everyone with her distinctive style. 

Happy Diwali from Urfi Javed without a Dress!

They are also ridiculed and told many negative things because of their distinctive sense of fashion. The Urfi Javid, however, responds to everyone by turning them. She has a great style and is a really calm girl. She has some rather odd ideas regarding clothing.

This time, Urfi Javed has gone beyond all bounds. On Diwali, there is a festive feeling all around. Even on this happy celebration, the urfi shocked folks. Everyone wears new clothing to wish others a happy Diwali, but the urfi has done the exact opposite. She has exceeded all boundaries of shamelessness this time.

In a video posted to social media, Urfi Javed wishes everyone a very Happy Diwali. That much is acceptable, but everyone makes Diwali wishes for one another, and urfi has caused individuals to desire for a naked Diwali.

In the video, urfi Javed can be seen eating Diwali laddoos while topless and with minimal makeup on a red sofa. They have some Diwali diyas nearby on a table. Urfi looks sexy and confident in her outfit. Some others responded and hoped fervently in response to the video she posted on Instagram. So there, his video has received some foul remarks.

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