Beautiful Britney Spears shared her hottest photos on twitter

Since the release of the Elton John duet "Hold Me Closer," Britney Spears has shared one more nude photo on social media.

Beautiful Britney Spears shared her hottest photos on twitter

Late Friday afternoon, the 40-year-old musician posted an obscene picture on Twitter. In it, the "Stronger" singer sits on the edge of the bathtub in front of a window, holding her breasts in her hands while looking into the camera. Her lower body is only covered by a sheet.

Earlier that day, Spears posted a brief video of herself celebrating the new song's success with John in the bathtub while faking his British accent. “Hello, Sir Elton John. We are, like, number one in 40 countries,” she said. “Holy s–t! I’m in the tub right now and I’m about to go have the best day ever, and I hope you’re well!”

She also shared a video of herself showing off in a white coat with black trim as the new song plays in the background.

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