Love Scandal and Doctors (LSD) ALTBalaji and ZEE5 Web Series 2021

Love, Scandal and Doctors is the story of 5 medical interns who get caught in a scandal. He is the main accused in the murder. The question is, are these students even capable of committing such a crime or are they being implicated? The web series also marks the digital debut of renowned choreographer, Puneet J Pathak, who plays a witty and cheeky cop in the show.

Talking about the plot, it is definitely twisted and layered. It begins with 5 interns at a famous hospital trying to cover up a crime committed together- the murder of a patient. It then dives into other sub-plots of love, lust, revenge, sexual orientation, friendship, hatred and much more. How these 5 interns find themselves embroiled in investigation and how to get out of it. Who in the group is cheating and who is the real killer in the end!

Love Scandal and Doctors (LSD) Star Cast

  • Tanaya Sachdeva
  • Ishaan A Khanna
  • Ashmita Jaggi

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