Auto Expo 2020: A new car has hit the market, with only one person sitting on it - miles away so unbelievable

 At the Auto Expo 2020, a car of this day has been making a lot of noise. You may have heard that it would be better to use a bike or scooter if traveling alone, but today we are going to tell you about a car that is designed to travel. We're talking Renault Twizy.

Auto Expo 2020: A new car has hit the market, with only one person sitting on it - miles away so unbelievable

Only one person can travel in this car. It is also an electric car that gives a 100 km range once charged. The company may launch it in the future. Today we will tell you about the Renault Twizy which is shocking at the Auto Expo 2020.

Renault is powered by Twice Electric. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Renault Twizy's biggest easy is its charging system. In this car, you will find a simple charger pin so that you can easily charge it.

How long will Renault Twice pay? According to the company, Renault Twice will charge a full range of 100 km if single charge. If you charge it once, it will go up to 100km without a hitch. It is on the door and will open. The car will have space for luggage. You can store up to 75 kg of stuff in it. However, it is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

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