Odisha 10 coronavirus patients recovered and discharged from hospital

Odisha 10 coronavirus patients recovered and discharged from hospital

Ten COVID-19 patients have recovered and tested negative for the virus, the department said in a tweet on Friday. Five of them are from Bhubaneswar, two from Bhadrak and one each of Cuttack, Jajpur, and Puri, the Health Department said in its official Twitter post.

Chief Secretary A K Tripathy congratulated the doctors and paramedical staff on the complete recovery of the 10 patients in one day. "Excellent news! Congratulations to Health Department Team and all the doctors and para-medics!!," Tripathy said.

Till now, a total of 3,547 samples has been tested and out of which 50 have tested positive, the department said. As per today's report, two new samples have been tested positive. Which means now 37 active cases in state and total of 50 cases in Odisha including recovered patients, death.
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