How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha

How Odisha people will register their name in online registration for return ODISA from other states? How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha...All types of questions answers you can get here.

 Anyone who wants to return to Odisha after lockdown is over via any means(air/train/road) is required to register by filling up the form. As recently announced by Odisha's government if anyone present in any place of India, he/she can come to Odisha after this lockdown, and the government also will help you with this.

Odisha government released one web base form which needs fillup before coming to Odisha, there is very little information that needs to provide (name, where you work, your profession, etc) and you will successfully be registered on the site. Once come to Odisha you have to spend at least 14 days in local (might be in the capital) quarantine place. Also, the government shared your Nodal officer's name with the phone number, you may contact them as well.

Here we sharing all the required steps and information to proceed with this, please follow the steps below, and don't forget to visit the government official website for any updated information. Before proceeding please remember it's only for Indian Odisha people not for international people, If you are coming from international places then call 104 first then proceed after getting all information from officials.

Also Read: How to find your district Odisha Nodal officers name and Phone number for Covid-19

How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha

1. Click on this link and go the website

2. At first, read the Term and conditions carefully and click on Proceed.

How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha

3. Now click on YES

How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha

4. Now fill the all Personal information (Registration By, Self Local Contact GPNO / WNO, Category of Traveller, Name of Traveller, Age, Gender, Mobile No, Aadhaar No, Present Location (Outside Odisha), State, District, City, No. of family members staying with you & want to come back to Odisha )

How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha

5. Now fill all Family Member Details (Address in Odisha, District, Block ULB, GP / Ward Number, Village, Address, Contact Person In Odisha, Name, Phone Number)

6. Now tick both options (I declare that the information provided by me is accurate and to the best of my knowledge, I am aware that when I travel back to Odisha I have to undergo a mandatory 14 days Quarantine.)

How to Register for Migrants and others who are traveling to Odisha
7. Now click on Submit

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