Sapanara Pathe Pathe Odia Song Lyrics - Title Song | Sourin,Nibedita

Sapanara Pathe Pathe Lyrics Title Song: This song sung by Sourin and Nibedita Lyric panned by Arin Mantri Music composed by Asad Nizam

Song: Sapanara Pathe Pathe
Lyricist:  Arun Mantri
Music: Asad Nizam
Singer:  Sourin, Nibedita

"Sapanara Pathe Pathe " Title song is a Beautifully song by Sourin and Nibedita. Listen to this song and enjoy.

Sapanara Pathe Pathe Lyrics

Sapanara pathe pathe
Aa jiba sathire   (.................x2)
Ae aakhi jiba jete dura
Aame jiba aaji sete dura
Sabu lekhi daba aama naa re

Sapanara pathe pathe
Aa jiba sathire
Ae saharara sima dein
Sabu najara ku dhoka dei
Aame haji jiba nija bhitare

Sapanara pathe pathe
Pathe pathe

Pahada jharana Janha ki jochhana
Jahabi gapile E gapa sarena
Ta Bina jibana bhabi mu parena
Kebe kahi nahni tate sina
Bodhe gala janmaru tu chinha
Chinha heigalu mana bhitare

Sapanara pathe pathe
Aa jiba sathire   (..................x2)
Ae aakhi jiba jete dura
Aame jiba aaji sete dura
Sabu lekhi daba aama naa re

Sapanara pathe pathe
Aa jiba sathire
Ae saharara sima dein
Sabu najara ku dhoka dei
Aame haji jiba nija bhitare

Sapanara pathe pathe
pathe pathe

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