JSW Steel Bags The 4th Iron Ore Mine In Odisha This Year 2020

JSW Steel announced that it has been declared as a preferred bidder for another iron ore mine in Odisha- Jajang iron ore block of Keonjhar district.

The auctions were held by the state government on 6 February 2020 and soon after the auction, the Director of Mines for the Jajang iron ore block of Keonjhar district contacted JSW Steel stating that JSW has been their favored bidder.

The forecasted iron ore resource in this mine according to the tender documents is 39.4 million tonnes.

JSW Steel is a flagship company of the JSW Group, owned by Sajjan Jindal, is an integrated steel manufacturer in India with an installed steel-making capacity of 18 million tonnes per annum (MTPA).

JSW Steel Bags The 4th Iron Ore Mine In Odisha This Year 2020

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