Foxconn plan to open mobile manufacturing unit in Odisha

The world’s biggest contract electronics manufacturer Foxconn was plan to open mobile manufacturing unit in Odisha. The plan did not take off as company officials did not engage with the state government.

Foxconn’s India operations are in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu where it makes Xiaomi and Nokia handsets respectively.

Back in June 2016, Foxconn's plan floated without gaining headway as the company authorities did not engage with the odisha government for official-level talks.

Recently, Josh Fougler, country head and managing director of Foxconn International Holding, India met the officials of the Odisha government. 

Odisha State officials made a detailed presentation about the ecosystem of electronic system design and manufacturing (ESDM) sector and industry-friendly policies in the state.

image credit: CNBC

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