Bhubaneswar ranks 18th in the country at Ease of Living Index, Rourkela's Rrank ???

Bhubaneswar the capital of odisha, ranked 18th in india.Let's know what is this ranking. This Ranking of 111 cities on the Ease of Living Index released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs on Monday.

Odisha's Steel City Rourkela stood at 87th rank. No other cities from odisha made it to the list. Pune at the top of this list, with Navi Mumbai coming in second and Greater Mumbai at third position. 

However, India's capital Delhi has failed to make it to the top 50, ranking much below cities like Vijayawada and Bhopal at number 65.

In the top-ten, the three cities from Maharashtra were followed by Tirupati, Chandigarh, Thane, Raipur, Indore, Vijayawada and Bhopal. 

Chennai has been ranked 14th, while Kolkata did not participate in the survey. Kohima (Nagaland) and Patna (Bihar) were also placed in the bottom-three.

Bhubaneswar ranks 18th in the country at Ease of Living Index, Rourkela's Rrank ???

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