106 baby cobras rescued from Odisha farmer's house

Not one, not two, 106 cobras rescued from a farmer house in Odisha. The incident in Paika Sahi at Shyamsundarpur village under Dhamnagar police limits in Bhadrak district. 

Bijay Bhuyan is that farmer. He has been living with his family in their ancestral home for years, but he had no slight knowledge that he was sharing it with cobras.

To his utter surprise, he found 106 juvenile cobra snakes in the house on Friday. Efforts are on to retrieve more reptiles from an ant-hill that has come up adjacent to an earthen wall. Fellow villagers have thronged Mr Bijay’s house to see the young reptiles.

“We have rescued 99 young cobras. Six snakes were found dead. As many as 19 eggs have also been spotted,” a member of Snake Helpline said.

106 baby cobras rescued from Odisha farmer's house

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