Check your aadhaar card mobile & email id correct or not online.Just follow the below step.
Step1: Go the
Step 2: Enter Aadhaar Number (12 Digit UID eg.1234/1234/1234)
Step 3: Enter Email or Mobile
Step 4: Enter Security Code
Step 5: Click on Get One Time Password
Step 6: Enter the OTP in "Enter OTP" Field.
Step 7: Verify OTP and Verify our email or mobile number.
This feature can be used to verify the email address and mobile number that has been declared during enrollment or latest successful processed update request, which ever is later.
Registered Mobile Number is essential to avail Aadhaar Online services. In case your mobile number is not registered with your Aadhaar, visit the nearest Permanent Aadhaar Centre(PAC). Know how to Register Mobile with Aadhaar